Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In The Plex - Steven Levy

I've been thoroughly enjoying reading this book.

I have always been impressed by Google and what it's creating, but I had no idea of the sheer scale of their achievements.

An absolutely incredible company with an incredible vision.


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Friday, August 26, 2011

Vacation Time!

I love travelling. It gives me a new perspective on life.

I love seeing how other cultures live and operate. The systems that are inherently used.

Each year I try to get to a country I've not been to before. This trip I'm on will cover Singapore, the UK and China. China being the new one. I'm hugely excited about this!

Currently I'm in Singapore. It's hot and humid. And I love it. The people are polite, the food is amazing, the infrastructure (Mass Transit, Bus, Taxi) is efficient and effective. Things that are needed get done.

It's been great catching up with a former colleague. An awesome start to this adventure.

Here are some random images.

More observations to come.
- S

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Tim Burton

I just rediscovered my copy of ‘The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy’ by Tim Burton.

I bought this in Melbourne last year after being totally inspired by the Tim Burton exhibition I was able to explore.

He’s one of my favorite creatives.

His story-telling is dark, yet accessible. He has such a sense of humour.

Lines such as “… He never forgave her unholy alliance: a sexual encounter with a kitchen appliance.” from Robot Boy.

I love his illustrations.

For example, Staring Girl. And then the idea of giving her eyes a rest. Brilliant.

There are so many gems in this book. Roy, the Toxic Boy? Love it.

Highly recommended.

- Simon

Sunday, August 21, 2011

An ass and two donkeys

Spied this photo in a Stuff article by Anthony Hubbard.

The image is from a photo opportunity from 2001. It's now resurfaced. I'm sure Goff thought it was a good idea at the time. Hindsight is a bitch.

Labour is royally screwed.


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Friday, August 19, 2011

NZ Elections

I am really looking forward to this years General Election.

It will be interesting for many reasons - the Rugby World Cup, for example, will mask a lot of campaigning. I expect a few political blindsides will be prepared under the shadow of this event.

I'd like to see Nikki Kaye returned in Auckland Central, bit more importantly, I'd like to see National run a decent campaign in Mt Albert. They handed David Shearer that seat after Helen Clarks departure, through an absolute shocker involving Melissa Lee and bad support.

I expect it'll get nasty. I expect the Left will indulge in spoiler tactics - personal attacks, making Electoral Promises that there would be no way to deliver on, and the like.

Winston Peters will be there, getting column inches and time with the Media. When are they going to insist he repays the more than $150k that NZ First was deemed to owe the taxpayer...?

Hone? Not understanding that many of his 'people' in the North may not be eligible to vote due to being transient.

I can't wait.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shell partners in search for oil of the Otago coast

I'm pleased about this.

The price of oil has made it economical for search, discovery and extraction in NZ. I'd like to see this proceed and succeed!

- S

More hypocrisy in the Church

After 40 years being heavily involved in the local Church here in New Zealand, I've taken a step back.

It's like a fog has lifted. I have a lot of contempt for those I once treated as leaders.

Here's another story of hypocrisy. This is not limited to the US. It's prevalent everywhere people allow people to control them.

- S

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hello, World!

I discovered that I'd set this blog up and had not touched it since 2007.

It is time.

I'm going to talk about pretty much everything here. With an emphasis on business, sales, marketing, politics and other assorted goodies as they spring to mind.

We have an election here in NZ later this year, after a few games of rugby have been played. I'll talk about the election I think.

Welcome back!